“English, The International Language”

on Minggu, 08 Maret 2015
Tugas 3: Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2# (Softskill)
Name   : Sonia Hosey Rosalina
NPM   : 27212104
Class    : 3EB19

I was wondering, why the English language as international language ?. Why don’t we just Indonesia language made the international language ?.
In my opinion, it is much easier to pronounce it with English. The reason recently I found when I was studying in junior high school.
            Why should English ?. Because english is the language most widely applied or the most studied in the schools of the world. Including most of the schools in our state have already implemented or entered the English language as one of the subjects that must be mastered by his disciples.
            Hear the English lessons, so that comes to my mind is the language of the foreigners. A language the most of its usersare overseas.
My opinion about English is a difficult language to learn.
Why do I call hard ?, because in English we will learn “grammar”. The use of grammar that difficult for me. If you say English in informal situation, maybe I understand a little. But if in a formal situation, that requires us to use grammar good, then that’s the thing that makes me confused.
Outside that’s all, outside from word difficult, my opinion about English language is the language that’s cool, because it was recognized as an international language. Therefore, although it is quite difficult to learn, but I want to continue to learn it.

Curriculum Vitae

Tugas 2: Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2# (Softskill)
Name   : Sonia Hosey Rosalina
NPM   : 27212104
Class    : 3EB19

Curriculum Vitae

         I.          Personal Details

Name                                 : Sonia Hosey Rosalina
Gender                               : Female
Place & Date of Birth          : Indramayu, 05 August 1993
Nationality                          : Indonesian
Marital Status                      : Single
High, weight                       : 167 cm, 49 kg
Religion                               : Islam
Address                           : Jalan Raya Pekayon, RT:01/RW:02. Kelurahan: Jaka Setia Kampung Utan. Kecamatan: Bekasi Selatan
     Phone Number                   : 0876543210
     E-mail                                 : soniahosey05@gmail.com

           I   I.     Education Details

1999-2005              :SD Negeri Cipancuh II Haurgeulis-Indramayu
2005-2008              :Junior High School/SMP Negeri 1 Haurgeulis-Indramayu
2008-2011              :Senior High School/SMK Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah Haurgeulis-Indramayu
2012-Now              :Accounting of Gunadarma University
GPA = 3.50 (scale 4)

Non Formal
2013                       : Myob program courses (Intermediate)
2014                       : Tax courses (Brevet A)

        II   I.     Skills

  • The ability of Computer Engineering and Informatics (Maintenance, Technician, Network, MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, MS Access, MS Outlook, etc.).
  •   Internet capabilities.
  • Able to make the transaction journal, to make financial statements.

        I     V. Personality

Good attitude, kind, communicative, diligent, tolerant, target oriented, discipline, honest, and be responsible.

Bekasi, 09 March 2015

(Sonia Hosey Rosalina)

“Who am I ?”

Tugas 1: Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2# (Softskill)
Name   : Sonia Hosey Rosalina
NPM   : 27212104
Class    : 3EB19

My name is Sonia Hosey Rosalina. My friends always called me Sonia. I’m 21 years old, and currently I’m studying subjected to one private University in the town of Bekasi.
I’m not a native of the town of Bekasi. I come from a village in Indramayu Regency.
You know why I was in Bekasi this time ?. That’s right, the reason is because of the education I was doing.
            I’m the eldest of two brothers. Born from mother who came from the city of Solo, and father comes from the city of Madura. They are the best parents I love.
Born as the eldest child gave a very large effect on the nature of which I have. One of them is selfish and often manage other people.
When I want to “A”, “A” then it should be regardless of how. People are often exposed to the effects of the nature that I have is one of the younger brother of my own.
And though my eldest child, don’t think that I’m 100% independent and strong. Quite the contrary, I’m a mellow, spoiled, especially to my mom.
            One of my friends from high school, and among my friends now, I was the most easy to cry, maybe because it’s too sensitive.
In addition, I’m also reticent personal. Reticent towards others that I don’t know. If other that I know, I’m a extrovert.
But outside of it all, I was the one who attemted to want to continue to learn towards the better. When there is a suggestion from someone else, I’m trying to improve yourself, although it is quite difficult for me to accept.
            In closing, I will share the principles that continue to believe me, that is: “Don’t ever desperate to make a change. If we fewel tired and helpless from the effort seems futile, in fact God knows how hard we’ve tried”.